Demystifying Disability by Emily Ladau is an approachable guide to being a thoughtful, informed ally to disabled people, with actionable steps for what to say and do (and what not to do) and how you can help make the world a more accessible, inclusive place.


This book club series is sponsored by Docs with Disabilities Initiative "Access In Medicine," University of Michigan Center for Disability Health and Wellness, Michigan Medicine, and the University of Central Florida. This book club series is also supported by a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR #90RTHF0005).
Book Club FAQs
What is the book?
The Access In Medicine Disability Equity Book Club's next selection is Demystifying Disability by Emily Ladau.
"Emily Ladau provides a welcoming, easy-to-read guide to disability. I highly recommend this book to readers seeking to deepen their understanding of disability and ableism."
Haben Girma
Human Rights Lawyer, Speaker,
and Author of Haben:
The Deafblind Woman Who
Conquered Harvard Law
How do I sign up and what do I need to participate?
Register for each meeting. We encourage you to save the meeting to your calendar when prompted, which will include the meeting link.
Read the assigned chapter.
Attend the meeting to learn from peers and experts! Note: The book club is a reflective opportunity and you will have the option of contributing, but is a large group webinar format.
Book Club is 4-5 pm EST. With the exception of the final event with the author, which begins at
3:30 pm EST.
Book club meetings are recorded and will be available on this website within 30 days following each meeting.
We do not offer CEU's for this activity.
How do the meetings work?
Each meeting is facilitated by experienced disability equity professionals who will facilitate a group discussion of each chapter.
The goal of the book club is to educate and empower health professions education stakeholders (e.g., diversity teams, DRP's, staff, faculty, students) to become thoughtful, informed allies to disabled people and how they can help make the world a more accessible, inclusive place.
RSVPs are required for each meeting. Review the schedule and RSVP today!
Accessibility & Accommodations
Meetings will be held virtually via Zoom and captioning will be provided for each meeting.
We invite you to request for accommodations and kindly request that you request accommodations two weeks in advance of each meeting. Requests for ASL can be made when you register. For other accessibility or accommodation requests please email us.

Book club meetings will begin at 4:00 PM Eastern Time.
Exception Sept.13th and April 10th, where the author will be present. These meetings will begin at 3:30 pm EST.
Advance registration is required.
Sep 13, 2023
Oct 11, 2023
Nov 15, 2023
Dec 13, 2023
Jan 10, 2024
Feb 14, 2024
Mar 13, 2024
Apr 10, 2024