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DREAM Research Rounds

What are the DREAM Research Rounds?

The Disability Research and Education in Academic Medicine (DREAM) Research Rounds is part of the DREAM (Meeks) Research Lab and follows the tradition of "Grand Rounds" by showcasing research and teams from around the world focused on disability inclusion and educational interventions in academic medicine.

Please note that all talks are recorded and will be shared on our YouTube page and DREAM rounds playlist.

Accessibility & Accommodations


  • ASL interpretation and CART (real-time captioning) will be provided.

  • The talk will be recorded and available on our YouTube page for those unable to attend live.


We invite you to request additional accommodations and kindly request that you request accommodations two weeks in advance of each meeting via email.


Upcoming Research Rounds

February 25th, 4-5 ET 

Core Competencies for Students Entering Medical School: A Pan-Canadian Approach to Re-envisioning Technical Standards and Addressing Ableism in Undergraduate Medical Education

Cheryl Holmes, MD FRCPC MHPE 
Laura Nimmon, PhD, MA, BA
University of British Columbia

Lisa Graves MD CCFP (AM) FCFP MCl.Sc.​
Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine


March 12th 12-1 ET

Rewriting Belonging: Disrupting Ableism in Medical Education Through Poetry

Megan Brown PhD MBBS Senior Research Associate in Medical Education
School of Medicine, 
Newcastle University, UK

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

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