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Communicating About Disability Inclusion in GME
In this One Pager, learn tips and best practices for communicating about disability inclusion in GME. This sample language will help...

Requesting Disability Accommodations in GME
Headed to residency or fellowship? Need to request accommodations to support your success (Disability Disclosure)? As a resident and an...

How to Welcome Residents who Disclose Disability in GME
Nearly 6% of medical students have a disability and 100% receive accommodations in medical school.

Exploring the Barriers to Inclusion for Physicians with Disabilities: Webinar #3
The Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation is hosting a three-part webinar series on barriers and belief systems that impact the learning environment...

Assessment of Institutionally Reported Disability Prevalence and Accommodation Use in Us Allopathic
Assessment of Institutionally Reported Disability Prevalence and Accommodation Use in Us Allopathic Medical Schools From 2015-2022:...

Policies as Barriers for Disabled Medical Learners: Exploratory study of learners’ perspectives
| Speakers: Dr. Alfiya Battalova & Dr. Pamela Liao Recording (Includes Captions)

Access to Disability Accommodations in Medical Education
Access to Disability Accommodations in Medical Education: Proportion of Disclosures and Associated Mental Health and Performance Outcomes...

Disability Justice: Building an Inclusive Culture in Medical Education & Practice
| Speaker: Dr. Lise Mogensen, Senior Lecturer for Medical Education, Research and Evaluation & Head of MD Project at Western Sydney...

Disability, Difference and Othering in Medical Education, Training and Practice
| Speaker: Duncan Shrewsbury, MBChB, PhD, Senior Lecturer in General Practice at the Brighton and Sussex Medical School, UK Recordings...

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