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Progress or Lack Thereof: Research Research on Technical Standards 2016-2022
Speakers: Ben Case, Philip Zazove, Katy Stauffer Papers:

National Academy of Science, Engineering and Math: Disrupting Ableism and Advancing STEM
Cultivating Accessible Educational Pathways and Spaces Dr. Lisa Meeks and Dr. Yvette Pearson
Assessment of Institutionally Reported Disability Prevalence and Accommodation Use in Us Allopathic
Assessment of Institutionally Reported Disability Prevalence and Accommodation Use in Us Allopathic Medical Schools From 2015-2022:...

Using the Health Humanities to Impart Disability Competencies to Undergraduate Medical Students
| Speaker: Dr. Satendra Singh, MD Recording (Includes Captions) Link to Recording with American Sign Language (ASL)

Policies as Barriers for Disabled Medical Learners: Exploratory study of learners’ perspectives
| Speakers: Dr. Alfiya Battalova & Dr. Pamela Liao Recording (Includes Captions)

Access to Disability Accommodations in Medical Education
Access to Disability Accommodations in Medical Education: Proportion of Disclosures and Associated Mental Health and Performance Outcomes...

Disability, Difference and Othering in Medical Education, Training and Practice
| Speaker: Duncan Shrewsbury, MBChB, PhD, Senior Lecturer in General Practice at the Brighton and Sussex Medical School, UK Recordings...

The Mistreatment of Physicians with Disabilities
| Speaker: Christopher Moreland, MD, MPH, Associate Professor Internal Medicine for the Dell Medical School at UT Austin Recording Please...

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