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Chapter: Technical Standards
This chapter on Technical Standards is from L. M. Meeks, L. Neal-Boylan (eds.), Disability as Diversity,

Addressing Disability Accommodations and Inclusion through a DEI Lens in Nursing Education
Part three addresses the inclusion of disability as a DEI imperative and briefly covers the process for determining reasonable accommodation

Removing Admissions Barriers for Nurses with Disabilities: Addressing Technical Standards
Removing Admissions Barriers for Nurses with Disabilities: Addressing Technical Standards

Women with Disabilities in Medicine: Illuminating the Pathway
This webinar was recorded December 5th, 2023. While the literature suggests a sharp (115%) increase in students with disabilities...

NBME Guide for Requesting Accommodations Webinar 3
Assisting students with crafting the personal statement Description: The personal statement is the student’s only opportunity to...

NBME Guide for Requesting Accommodations Webinar 2
Working with providers, creating a plan with your student Description: This webinar highlights best practices for how DRPs at medical...

NBME Guide for Requesting Accommodations Webinar 1
Introducing the Guide Description: This webinar will provide an overview of the process to request accommodations on the USMLE Step...

Clear Masks Reduce Communication Barriers in the Healthcare Setting
This video is a product of the Access In Medicine Group of the Docs With Disabilities Initiative. This video discusses the need for and...

Exploring the Barriers to Inclusion for Physicians with Disabilities: Webinar #3
The Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation is hosting a three-part webinar series on barriers and belief systems that impact the learning environment...

Barriers and Belief Systems in Nursing a 3 Part Webinar Series: Part 1
Nurses with disabilities in varied settings and discusses how they train and thrive in nursing with the use of accommodation.
National Academy of Science, Engineering and Math: Disrupting Ableism and Advancing STEM
Cultivating Accessible Educational Pathways and Spaces Dr. Lisa Meeks and Dr. Yvette Pearson

The State of Disability Inclusion in Health Science Education
This video discusses the need for specialized Disability Resource Professionals (DRP's) in Health Professions Education and the creation...

DHOH Access in Health Professions Programs
This video discusses captioning and disability access in health professions programs. This video was created in partnership between the...

Accessible Instruction and Assessment
This video discusses accessible instruction and assessment in health professions education, increasing the accessibility of learners with...

Entering Health Professions Programs as a Student With a Disability
This video introduces students with disabilities entering a health professions program to the accommodation process and how the process...

Macy Foundation: Exploring the Barriers to Inclusion for Medical Trainees with Disabilities,Part 1
The Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation is hosting a three-part webinar series on barriers and belief systems that impact the learning environment fo
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